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Library Live! Workshop: How to Find Books, Articles, Films, & Media

Library Live! is a webinar series designed to empower students’ information literacy and critical thinking skills in research. At Library Live you will build fundamental library research skills while having fun!

Today's Topic: How to Find Books, Articles, Films, & Media

Take command of our Library’s most powerful database, OneSearch, to find the academic materials you need to level up your research papers and projects.

Workshops occur every other Tuesday from 3:00-4:00 pm via Zoom. All workshops will be recorded and uploaded to the University Library’s YouTube Channel.

Email Lettycia Terrones, Librarian at Cal State LA, for more information or questions at lterron@calstatela.edu

Zoom Link: https://calstatela.zoom.us/j/89015301300 

Meeting ID: 890 1530 1300  

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
4:00pm - 5:00pm
  Graduate Student     Undergraduate Student  
  Library Live  

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Kelsey Brown
Kelsey Brown